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How to make salt dough place cards and decorations

How to make salt dough place cards and decorations

This simple and nostalgic craft is perfect for the days before Christmas, needing only a few basic supplies that (with the exception perhaps of the alphabet stamps, and we’ve included alternatives to those) you’ll probably already have at home. Cut into whatever shapes you like (we’ve gone for the traditional star but the world’s your oyster), they make both lovely tree decorations and place ‘cards’ for the Christmas Day table.

What you’ll need

250g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
125g salt
125ml water
A cookie cutter or sharp knife
A toothpick
Alphabet stamps (optional, you could also use your toothpick or acrylic paints and a fine paintbrush)

What to do

  1. Preheat your oven to its lowest setting.
  2. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl before pouring in the water. Stir until the dough starts to clump together.
  3. Tip out onto a floured surface and roll to about half a centimetre thick. Cut out your shapes using a cookie cutter or sharp knife and place onto a lined baking sheet.
  4. Make a hole in the top of each one using your toothpick, then, if you’re using your salt dough shapes as place cards, emboss each person’s name with the alphabet stamps or using your toothpick. (You could also wait until the shapes are baked and cooled then paint the names on.)
  5. Bake the salt dough shapes in the oven for around three hours or until they’re completely hard.
  6. Once cooled, thread each one with a length of ribbon or twine. We think it’s a nice idea to do this even for place cards as then each recipient can use theirs as a decoration afterwards.

You’ll also find lots more festive crafting ideas on our journal and over in our Instagram videos.

Tags: Christmas