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Get to know us: Kyra from Neptune Farnham

Get to know us: Kyra from Neptune Farnham

Every now and then, we like to give you a little insight into some of the people who work here at Neptune. Who they are, where they’ve come from, and what their day to day is like. Because, although there’s quite a few of us now, we’re very much still a brand that’s about the personal touch. This month, we’re going to be shining a light on our store teams, beginning with Kyra, the home designer at our store in Farnham.

Tell us about yourself

I’m Kyra, home designer at Neptune Farnham. I currently live in Winchester with my fiancé – who I’m due to marry later this year – our dog, Arlo, and our cat, Maisy.

What did you do before you worked for Neptune?

My family and I moved to Abu Dhabi when I was younger, and I lived there for a while before starting my degree in interior design with the National Design Academy. It was really handy to be able to do the course online while I also worked and travelled, and as it was a five year course, I had plenty of time to find my path. After a few years of working with a cruise company, building holiday packages for the South African tourism market, my love for interiors grew. And now here I am at Neptune!

Tell us about working with Neptune

It’s really lovely working for a brand that you trust, and that trust you in return. The team really gets behind you and believes in your abilities, and it’s a really good feeling when you’re talking to customers about the quality of the furniture and fabrics. You know that the products won’t let you down. You know they’ll stand the test of time. It’s a brand that works for everybody – there’s something for everyone, whether it’s a few accessories or a statement piece of furniture or even a whole renovation project.

What does your role entail?

As a home designer, I take everyone through the whole design process. Right from the beginning to the end, from when they’re just moving into a house and need plans and designs, to final touches like bouquets, candles and hurricane vases. I put together a lot of sample and mood boards, 3D drawings and designs, which is probably my favourite part of the design process, when everything feels fresh, new and exciting.

Have you worked on some interesting projects?

One of my favourite projects that I recently worked on is an old, converted mill house on a country estate. The building itself dates back to the 15th century, is surrounded by countryside and sits in the middle of two lakes, so it was a beautiful setting and such a pleasure to work on. The project was a whole house renovation, and the owner was very trusting and open to new ideas so there was plenty of free reign.

What do you like about working in the Farnham store?

The Farnham store itself is lovely, it feels like I’m working in a big, beautiful house. There’s an incredibly peaceful and calming atmosphere, and if I’m ever feeling uninspired, or like I need a change of scenery, it’s so easy to go and sit in another room. There’s inspiration everywhere, from bedroom and bathroom to kitchen and living and garden. It’s like a home away from home.

What is your own home like?

We’re actually moving to the countryside in the next few weeks, to an 1845 Victorian cottage. It’s lovely because it has such a mix of old and new, and is perfect for mixing our contemporary things with more traditional pieces – like our Manhattan drinks trolley, for example, alongside an older wooden sideboard and dresser. I can’t wait to start making it home once we’re in!

Which furniture piece in the collection do you love?

I think I would have to say the George armchair. It’s a really gorgeous and understated piece; not too big or small, or too soft or firm. We have one in Hector Fossil wool at home matching one of our sofas. It’s the perfect size for me and Arlo, and the fabric is so easy to brush off, which is ideal with Arlo’s muddy paws. When we move house, I’d really love a new one in Harry Apricot.

You can find out more about our Home Design Service here, or hear more from Kyra over on our IGTV