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Rhubarb tarte tatin with vanilla yoghurt

Rhubarb tarte tatin with vanilla yoghurt

Traditionally, winter recipes are a hearty affair. Made to comfort and cosset, stews and bakes aplenty will leave you feeling warm and nourished, and your spirit ready to face the icy weather. But this is a season of two halves: the rich with the fresh, the warming with the zingy, the soothing with the uplifting. And one of the real joys of January is the arrival of the first, joyfully pink and tender stems of Yorkshire forced rhubarb. In a rather grey month, it’s a real cause of celebration... P.S. You can make a plant-based version of this tart – you’ll find our substitutions below the ingredients

Makes enough for: eight

Put aside: 35 minutes for prepping and serving, and 25 minutes for baking

What you’ll need

400g forced rhubarb
100g coconut (or soft, light brown) sugar, plus 1–2 tbsp extra
1 vanilla pod split lengthways, seeds scraped out
100g ground almonds
500g block of puff pastry
1 egg, beaten
About 200g of Greek yoghurt to serve

To make this tart suitable for a plant-based diet, simply replace the egg with a little plant milk and the Greek yoghurt with one of your choice. Most ready-made puff pastries are suitable for vegans, but do check the packet.

What to do

  1. Start by chopping your rhubarb stalks into pieces about 4–5cm long (make them a little longer if your stalks are especially slim). Combine them together in a bowl with the sugar and half the vanilla seeds, then set to one side.
  2. Preheat your own to 220°C, gas mark seven. Roll out your block of pastry to about 30cm round and the thickness of a pound coin, then transfer it to a large, parchment-lined baking tray. Scatter the ground almonds in the centre, leaving a 5cm border, and arrange the rhubarb on top.
  3. Fold in the border so it overlaps some of the filling but so the centre’s still open, then brush the pastry with beaten egg and scatter over the extra sugar.
  4. Place your galette in the fridge to chill for at least 15 minutes, and in the meantime, mix the Greek yoghurt with the remaining vanilla seeds.
  5. Once it’s done chilling, bake your galette on the bottom shelf of the oven for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 190°C, gas mark five, and continue cooking for another 15–20 minutes until the pastry is golden and the base crisp. Let your galette sit for ten minutes or so (or leave it to cool completely) before serving it with the vanilla yoghurt.
Tags: Recipes