A different perspective

A different perspective

We’re optimists. Relentless ones. At Neptune, we fundamentally believe that things can always be better. That’s our starting point. In everything that we do, from how we design a table to how we approach our delivery service, if there’s a way to improve things for you, rest assured we’ll do it. We’ll never be different for the sake of saying so. But we’ll always go against the grain if it’s going to make your life better.

That mindset of challenging convention and looking at things differently also means that we’re often reviewing things we’ve done, and re-assessing whether they’re still good enough. We make time to have fresh ideas and we make room to put them into action. It can feel like we’re never satisfied, but in a good way, because we’re seeking a better version of better. For you.

Another adventure always awaits.

Take our first dining chair as an example. We didn’t just follow the tried-and-tested path of chair design. We reconsidered every single joint, every single aspect, every single inch to balance comfort, support and stability. These aren’t just places you’re going to sit down, but rather, places to spend time in, eating, reading, socialising – it’s an important distinction.

When we grew and decided to start crafting our designs overseas, we did it our way. We knew there was a better approach for our brand, so we built our own production house that makes our designs alone. Neptune things made by Neptune people.

When we decided to open our own stores, we said we’d open homes rather than shops. The traditional retail model just didn’t feel like us, so we take years finding the perfect spots, we pour our heart and soul into designing them, so you’ll feel perfectly at home, instantly. And we agreed they’d be places to enjoy spending time in, so you won’t feel like you’re pressured to ‘shop’, but instead, encouraged to just ‘be’.

The reason we’re telling you this – the why – is because we want you to know about the things you can’t necessarily see – our hidden depths. All things Neptune have been considered from every which point of view. We’ll never accept ‘the done way’; we do what we think (and what we think you’ll think) is best. We have our own lens through which we see the world.

These are the things that really tell you who we are.

We’re Neptune.

We do what we do because we believe our designs can make your life that little bit happier, easier and better.

We do that with honesty, rigour and kindness, using the best materials, the most trustworthy of techniques, surrounded by people who genuinely care about creating things that are timeless. And we always lead with heart.

We’re a British-born and raised interiors and lifestyle brand who design and make furniture, lighting and accessories for your whole home.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

From the Journal

To inspire, to spark creativity, to share knowledge

Paint Ad_Stratton_Cropped_RT_ISOCOATED_Warmer_OP3_APRIL_Iso24Newspaper
A different perspective – an edited approach to colour Part III

A phrase that means a lot to us. A phrase that we think best sums up our ethos and our way of thinking. A phrase that we use as our compass, to guide everything we do.

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We believe in a different perspective Part V

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We believe in a different perspective Part IV

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We believe in a different perspective Part II

A phrase that means a lot to us. A phrase that we think best sums up our ethos and our way of thinking. A phrase that we use as our compass, to guide everything we do.

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